Saturday, 13 December 2014

A Very Eventful Day


Well as usual kayak on the roof and car packed ready to go on Friday night.
Many of you that know me probably wont believe me, but i was out of the house for 5am Saturday morning and on my way to meet up with David and John in the midlands for another bash at the pike.
If I said it was freezing that would be an understatement, so with a quick stop at McDonald's in Newry for a coffee it wasn't long before I found myself to be the first one at the lake. 
Soon after the other two arrived and we were straight onto the water.

It was not very long before David was into a fish......... and a fine looking fish it was until there was a POP!!!!!!!! Some one sabotaged the poor lads wire trace the day before and it failed allowing for "THAT ONE THAT GOT AWAY"... You no who you are Mr lol.
As you can imagine he was quite pee'd off, so I was keeping my distance, then there was a yell and I glanced round to find he was into another fish, O and he missed a few takes as well and I haven't had a bump even, So I was taking no notice of him and trying my hardest to catch something.
He kept shouting over to me "come look at the teeth marks on this jack" were a bigger lady has had a go at it................................Then I herd it,,,,,, "Thump.....Clunk....SPLASH. Followed by a painful cry NOOOOOOOOOOO. I Thought David droped his wire cutters over the side are something but no it was his Iphone. As you can imagine I was definitely keeping my distance from that chap today.
There was an effort of recovering the phone but it failed!!!!!!!!
John and Myself were trying everything for a pike Lures different dead baits, on the bottom and floated with no joy. David was soon on four nice pike biggest around 15 lb and we had nothing, four hours had slowly passed and John had to call it a day. At this point I was freaking out that I was going to have a BLANK......To make things worse the Irish Kayak Angling Xmas party was that night and I don't think I would have survived the abuse of not catching.
So change of tactics, actually advise from David and sure enough it was not long before I had a FISH ON!!!!!. Landed for a kiss and a picture then released again.

       A fine pike it was too then with in a few minutes I had a second. A small jack that basically fell of the hook as I was lifting it into the Yak but I did not care at all as long as there was not a blank.

A short time later we packed up and headed down to Skerries to the STEALTH ( kayak demo day to meet a few lads testing these fine looking new Yaks. Graham Smith, Anthony Byrne and Eric Devos were there with a range of kayaks on display and to take for a paddle.
I was just starting to warm up again from a long cold day so I passed on this, but shouldn't be to long before I get a chance to take one for a joy ride. ( Not the PINK one).
Then it was back up to Davids house were I was staying the night for a quick bite to eat and a shower before heading down to Dublin for the Irish Kayak Angling Christmas party.
It was a great nights crack and was nice to meet some of the lads and also put some names to faces.
There was some fishy conversations throughout the night and a prize giving, the club sponsors were more that generous with the prizes, so a big thank you to them.

It was a very eventful and busy day but well worth the trip.

Until next time 
TIGHT LINES.........




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